This blog is a challenge for me to do something with what I love to do...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Deep Dark Eyes

One of my most favorite color in make up is Black.  Why?  It not only intensifies a look but it also makes you look mysterious and intriguing :) In this picture, I decided to go with dark setting eyes and a neutral lip color.  To make sure that my eye lashes were not eaten away with the dark eyes, I made sure to wear lashes.  Lashes are great for when you want to make them look extra long!  I like playing with all kinds of lashes, why not! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My very first....

This would be my very first post...ever.  I wanted to start this project back in May of this year, but due to my procrastination, I didn't.  I am very excited to have this blog so it can be my motivation to get out there and pursue what I love, even if its on the side as a hobby.  

I wanted to start off with the picture above, I thought it'd be appropriate as a start, small and simple.  I wanted to do something very fast-out-the-door with my make up...1. I was running extremely late and 2. The simple eye liner always makes everything just look nice.  I used Lancome's all black pencil eye liner and for the lips, REVLON's hot pink lip gloss.  I have to say that from the moment that I put on the lip gloss, I fell in love with it. It stays on through even the nights of all nights and it doesn't have a sticky gloss to it, which I think the boyfriend would appreciate :)  I used my phone camera and I have to say, Blackberries don't have the best flash, the pictures always come out either too dark or way too bright.  But the picture gets my point across.