This blog is a challenge for me to do something with what I love to do...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gold Glitter Eyes

What is Christmas without the glitter lights, glitter tree and well...glitter eyes :)  This Christmas I wanted to take advantage of the gold glitters I've been craving to use and that just sit there in my drawer.  I also had gotten my monthly subscription of my "glam bag" from  and I wanted to use the Loose Pearl Shadow NYX that was included this month. I need a better camera to show the detail in the close ups of the eyes but I think you get the idea. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year!  This year, I really wanted to play with glitter, so the bff (the girl above named Nuvia Enriquez) and I went on a hunt for glitter...we found it at Sally's Beauty Supply and they were only a $1 each.  In order to achieve her glitter I used, gold and pink glitter, black and gold eye shadow and of course...the lashes! Aren't they nice?  First we started off with prepping the eye for the entire night by priming her eyes.  I used Urban's decay Primer Potion, I have to say this is the best primer, it last all day.  After the primer I applied a light color under the eye (you can use a gold or a neutral color) When I went to Sally's I also grabbed the glitter glue to make sure the glitter would stay without clumping up. I applied the glue and right after that I with a clean brush I mixed in the gold and pink and applied it  all over the eye (make sure to only apply it all around the lid)  I really wanted to make the gold stand out so after I applied the gold I decided to go put black eye shadow on the crease, I should have done this step if you want to achieve the look, I say do this first. The gold eye shadow I used to highlight the brow area.  I suggest to intensify the look, add liquid eye liner after the glitter has settled (the bff decided to skip out on this step) After that time to apply the lashes! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I decided to go natural...this is my look almost always! I don't have very good lighting with this camera but I really like how I went with the natural pink lips and a little bit of mascara.  I like letting my skin breath during the week and go make up crazy during the weekend.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Deep Dark Eyes

One of my most favorite color in make up is Black.  Why?  It not only intensifies a look but it also makes you look mysterious and intriguing :) In this picture, I decided to go with dark setting eyes and a neutral lip color.  To make sure that my eye lashes were not eaten away with the dark eyes, I made sure to wear lashes.  Lashes are great for when you want to make them look extra long!  I like playing with all kinds of lashes, why not! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My very first....

This would be my very first post...ever.  I wanted to start this project back in May of this year, but due to my procrastination, I didn't.  I am very excited to have this blog so it can be my motivation to get out there and pursue what I love, even if its on the side as a hobby.  

I wanted to start off with the picture above, I thought it'd be appropriate as a start, small and simple.  I wanted to do something very fast-out-the-door with my make up...1. I was running extremely late and 2. The simple eye liner always makes everything just look nice.  I used Lancome's all black pencil eye liner and for the lips, REVLON's hot pink lip gloss.  I have to say that from the moment that I put on the lip gloss, I fell in love with it. It stays on through even the nights of all nights and it doesn't have a sticky gloss to it, which I think the boyfriend would appreciate :)  I used my phone camera and I have to say, Blackberries don't have the best flash, the pictures always come out either too dark or way too bright.  But the picture gets my point across.